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  • 4 Reasons Why I Love Sales, and Why You Should To

November 15, 2020

4 Reasons Why I Love Sales, and Why You Should To

I love sales and selling and I can never understand people who say to me that they hate selling to people because they don't want to sound "salesy" - Is that even a word?

There are so many benefits to having a conversation with another person about how you can change their life, and that is what selling is to me, a conversation.

But I do get it, if you are working for the man, well then sales can feel like a chore.

Hitting somebody else's target, building their empire.

Them getting all the glory, while for all your effort, you end up with just enough money to get you through the month.

But if your selling for your own business then it should be a different story altogether

You should embrace sales and selling because you are in a position to change your life for the better.

There are a number of reasons why I love sales and selling, and I wanted to share with you exactly why I love the fine arts of being able to sell confidently.

I love sales because it shows the person in front of you that you are taking an interest.

I love people, I love to hear about their stories, their dreams and what inspires them to be who they are and do what they do.

When I have a product or service to offer, I rarely talk about it when I am with a prospect, why?

Because I have learnt to ask more questions and do less talking.

You see, people love speaking about themselves because nobody ever asks them about them.

So when your prospect gets the opportunity to have a non-judgmental conversation with a person who is there to listen.

You will be amazed at how powerful this can be in terms of building a strong relationship with a prospect, whether they buy or not. which leads me nicely onto

Making a friend

I love sales because you can also gain a friend as a bonus.

I have been lucky enough to strike up some fantastic friendships with people who didn't even buy from me at the time.

You see a sales presentation is not a declaration of war

It is an opportunity for you to find out if the person in front of you is the kind of person you would have a beer with or share stories about a holiday destination.

They may have a network of people who could be useful for you, and likewise, you may have a network which would be beneficial to them.

So next time you do a presentation remember, it is not the end of the world if they don’t buy.

You may have just impressed them enough that they recommend your services to others even though they have not used you themselves.

This leads me nicely onto

I love sales and selling because it can help you get referrals

If your taking an interest and making a friend well, then this is the bonus.

Imagine getting referrals from a person who has never used your business?

It does happen and it happened to me countless times when I worked in the corporate world.

If you have had a proper conversation with the person in front of you

Then you will have established what they need right now

It may not be what your offering

But you may have a contact or know somebody who can help them, all you need to do is pass on the details of connection and you have just enhanced your level with this person who is not even going to buy from you.

But so what

Would you rather have a person talking about you to others every week?

Or would you rather have that one sale and then move on?

Finally and the most important reason

I love sales and selling because if you are running your own business, then more sales generally means more money

Unless your running at a loss!

Which in that case, stop selling and go and speak to a cash flow analyst. I know several if this is something you are concerned about.

What can be bad about loving sales and making more money?

  • It could mean more money for you and your family.
  • It could lead to you investing back into your business to help with growth.
  • It could mean you paying for some time-saving software to address that work/life balance.

If you don’t like sales right now, it is probably because you hate selling.

If this sounds like you, then you need to check out The Love Sales Hate Selling Academy, where you can learn how to improve your sales skills, and grow your business at the same time.

So there you have it,  my 4 reasons for loving sales and selling.

But what if your still not convinced  

What about if you still feel you cant sell without feeling salesy? Again that fictional word :-)

Maybe you should consider having some sales training.

It could be the best solution for you to overcome the obstacles which are stopping you from being your best sales self.

You can check out the benefits of sales training for small business owners here

Another solution you could look at is to create an online and offline asset which can be used to do the selling for you.

A website, landing page, social media profile or even a YouTube channel.

If the above has left you crossed eyed and confused, then perhaps we need to have a conversation.

Because I love helping small business owners who are confused about the best way to generate leads and convert more sales in their business.

Would You Like To Generate More Leads And Convert More Sales In Your Business?

In principle It is easy to grow your business, say the experts.

All you need to do is generate more leads and convert more sales.

But unfortunately, that is easier said than done for most small business owners.

You see most small business owners don’t understand online marketing, they constantly feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information that is delivered to them almost daily, and they are tired of throwing good money after bad, chasing the latest marketing trend that is going to make them millions.

Is it any wonder that most small business owners quit their business after 3 years.

Well if this is YOU, it does not have to be like this.

The Love Sales, Hate Selling Academy

You need leads to generate sales. Without sales you have no business. It's time for you to get better at both of these business activities.

Click here to learn more
