My Content Sharing Process which helps me market new content in less than 30 minutes.
Ever since I was a kid I've liked to experiment.
I was the child that took his toys apart then cried when they would not fit back together.
And my approach to sharing my content online has pretty much been the same.
I have had countless failed experiments trying to launch landing pages for affiliate offers.
Got stung in the pocket bidding on the wrong keywords using Google ads.
And almost got banned from Facebook for using the wrong ad account.
Ever since then i have been more cautious in my approach probably too cautious.
One of the things that always fascinated me is getting my new blog content seen by more people.
And it's meant over the years i have tried and failed numerous times to create a system that worked and drove visitors to my website.
I'm sure you get what I mean if you have been down the traffic chasing rabbit hole.....
Anyway back to the point!
Most of the new content you produce has a short shelf life and if you're like most people I know.
You probably share it once on your facebook business page then forgot about it.
Ultimately your new content becomes old content.
The difficulty for content creators is competing with all of the noise.
If you are not an SEO wizard, then marketing your new blog or any of your content can be difficult.
Also if you have no content sharing process, a regular routine to perform it and above all consistency in creating content
Then it can feel like you're pushing water uphill when it comes to attracting new visitors to your wesbite.
This was me 18 months ago until I developed my own content sharing process.
First thing I did was
Set up a excel document and added the names and urls of all the places that I shared content to, this included Facebook groups, groups on other social media networks and community platforms.
Then I got to work writing.
From then on every week when I published a new blog post.
I would literally work through the spreadsheet making sure that I visited every site and shared my content.
After a time I noticed that my numbers were going up
But more importantly my email list was growing, which meant I had new people joining my eco-system.
Then in December 2021, I reached out to a clever guy called Wonderboy who turned my spreadsheet into
The Content Sharing Dashboard
I know it looks like a pregnant spreadsheet 🙂
But believe me it's better looking than the spreadsheet it started from.
Let me get back to why it morphhed from a naked speadsheet that you would not look at twice
To this sexy looking thing!
I wanted to offer this to other bloggers and content creators so they could have a simple content sharing process to follow that would
Let me walk you through it
The Content Sharing Dashboard
At the bottom of the worksheet are 3 tabs.
Marketing Checklist, where you are now
Tasks, which are the marketing activites that you need to do
Social media groups, these are the groups and platforms, where I share my content
Weekly Marketing checklist are my instructions of what needs to be done.
The Tasks Tab
I use as a checklist as I go through each process.
Once I have completed each task, I just check it off and move onto the next one.
Website Distribution Task
Pinging your new blog post to google and bing means that your page will be indexed more quickly by the search engines.
Social Media Task
Relates to the social media and other platforms that I share my new content to.
I use this as a reminder to send my email to my list,because of this I am getting much better at sending regular and consistent emails to my list which has resulted in more enquiries and sales.
Automated Content Distribution Networks
I use these platforms to repurpose and share my content across the rest of my online network.
Automated Content
These platforms use my RSS feed and distribute my new blog and video content across the rest of my online network.
The Social Media Groups Tab
These are the groups and additional platforms that I share content on.
It is as simple as clicking the name, it takes you to the group or page, you paste your content then you move on.
This dashboard means that I can promote new content in 30 places in less than 45 minutes and the effect is felt throughout the week.
My plan is too add a Video Group section as well because there are many places that you can share new video content too.
You can watch a live demo of the content sharing dashboard below.
So what do you think, could a content sharing process work for you?
You can easily create your own content sharing process, you don't even need to use excel, a pen and good note pad will do.
But if your looking for something.
Which gives you more structure.
Is easy to use and update.
Removes all the guesswork of where to market your new content.
And if trying to figure out excel is not your thing then your in luck.
You have two options:
For the price of a coffee with a friend I can provide you with your own content sharing dashboard.
It will come as is, the only thing that you will need to do is amend the links to suit where you market your business.
I can provide you with a video which will show you how to easily do this.
Or if you still don't want to mess around with excel, you can have a custom dashboard set up for you.
The custom content sharing dashboard means that I will set up your links for you so all you need to worry about is getting started.
Once you place your order, you will have the opportunity to send me the name and url's of all the groups and platforms that you currently share to.
The dashboard will be created then sent straight out to you by email.
You also qualify for a 30 minute complimentary follow up call to make sure your on track with using the dashboard.
They great thing about having your own content sharing process, is you can pass it off to a VA or outsource the process when you become busier.
I hope this post has given you some ideas on sharing your content in more places and if you need any additional support when it comes to sales or marketing, feel free to reach out to me here.