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August 20, 2023

Unlocking the Power of Online Assets For Your Small Business

Online Assets Can Propel Your Small Business To Success

If your running a small business you face problems and opportunities in the digital age. With the rise of the internet and the expanding online marketplace, small businesses must harness the power of online assets to improve their success with their marketing.

A well-designed and user-friendly website, as well as a strong social media presence, can be the key to unlocking significant growth and reaching a wider audience. But how precisely might digital assets help a small business transform?

In this post, we will look at how harnessing internet assets can help small businesses thrive in a competitive environment. Understanding the potential of online assets and successfully utilising them can make all the difference in reaching your business goals, whether you're a startup or an established plc.

So, let's get started and learn about the power of online assets and how they may catapult your small business to new heights of success.

Different types of online assets

When we talk about online assets, it's crucial to remember that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Online assets can be a useful tool when it comes to small business marketing and they and serve a variety of functions.  

Here are some examples of online assets:

Online Assets For Your Small Business

These digital assets, serve as the foundation for your online presence.

Each of these assets has a distinct purpose in assisting your small business's success in the digital sphere.

Your website is possibly your most important internet asset for your small business. It acts as the face of your brand and gives potential customers a place to learn more about your products or services.

You also own your website which means you are not at the mercy of algorithms that restrict your reach like on social platforms. A well-designed and user-friendly website will make an impact and motivate visitors to act.

Photos of your products services or location are very powerful online assets, especially if you post on platforms that allow you to share your images. Having your images on a site like a Google business page or Instagram can do wonders for raising your businesses profile.

Like wise videos have become increasingly valuable for small businesses to succeed in the digital landscape. They offer a dynamic and engaging way to connect with audiences, tell stories, and promote products or services.

With the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, mobile apps are another online asset that offers a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with customers, streamline operations, and enhance overall user experience. 

If you‘re creative, using Infographics as an online asset is a great idea. Infographics are visual representations of information and data combining text, images, and design elements to present complex ideas in a clear, engaging, and easy-to-understand format.

online assets - how to make Infographic

Small businesses can also use social media channels to engage with their target audience,  develop brand awareness, boost their visibility, create leads, and drive sales. 

Platforms with billions of active users, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, provide a low-cost approach to reach a large audience.

Ebooks are digital books that offer valuable and in-depth content on a specific topic or subject matter that are good online assets to have as you can give them away to prospects so they can evaluate your expertise. 

Let’s not forget podcasts, which have emerged as a powerful medium that can uniquely benefit small businesses. By exploring the captivating world of audio content, entrepreneurs can tap into new opportunities, broaden their reach, and build meaningful connections with your audience.

Email marketing is another useful internet resource that can assist your businesses in cultivating relationships with clients and prospects. You can stay top-of-mind with your audience and promote repeat business by developing an email list and conducting tailored ads.

Finally, brand assets play a crucial role in helping small businesses succeed in the online world. They are essential components of a business's visual identity and can have a significant impact on how the brand is perceived by customers.

The importance of online assets for small businesses

A strong internet presence is no longer an option in today's highly competitive corporate world; it is a requirement. Small businesses that fail to capitalise on online assets risk falling behind their competition. Here are some of the main reasons why digital assets are so important for small business success:

  1. Increase your reach: The internet has enabled small businesses to reach a worldwide audience without the requirement for a physical presence. You may interact with potential clients from all over the world and broaden your reach by having a strong online presence.
  2. Build credibility and trust: A well-designed website, active social media profiles, and a professional email marketing campaign all contribute to your audience's credibility and trust. When potential clients realise that you have a strong internet presence, they are more likely to trust and rely on your company.
  3. Increase brand awareness: Online assets allow small businesses to promote their brand and attract the attention of potential clients. You can build brand awareness and make your business more recognisable by continuously developing and distributing good content, connecting with followers, and conducting targeted ad campaigns.
  4. Online assets such as optimised websites, social media profiles, and email marketing campaigns can all be effective lead generation tools. You can turn leads into paying customers and boost sales for your small business by collecting potential customers' contact information and nurturing them through focused marketing activities.
  5. Gain important insights: The ability to track and measure the efficiency of online assets is one of their primary benefits. You may receive useful insights into the performance of your website, social media campaigns, email marketing initiatives, and more by using analytics and monitoring tools. This information can assist you in making informed decisions and optimising your online assets for better results.

How online assets can drive success for small businesses

Now that we've covered the many sorts of online assets and their significance, let's look at how these assets might help small businesses succeed with their marketing.

Building a strong online presence through website optimization

As previously stated, your website is one of your small business's most significant online assets. It functions as a virtual storefront and is frequently the initial point of contact for prospective customers.

As a result, optimising your website is critical to ensuring maximum visibility and interaction. Here are some crucial points to consider:

Responsive design: With the rising use of mobile devices, it is critical to have a mobile-friendly and responsive website. This means that your website should be responsive to different screen sizes and offer a consistent user experience across all devices.

Search engine optimised (SEO): It is critical to optimise your website for search engines so that your company shows in relevant search results. This includes conducting keyword research and using relevant keywords, developing high-quality and interesting content, and ensuring that your website is technically solid.

User experience (UX): A pleasant user experience is critical for retaining visitors and motivating them to take action. Fast loading times, simple navigation, clear calls to action, and visually appealing design are all examples of this.

You will improve your online exposure, increase traffic to your site, and eventually drive more conversions and sales by investing in website optimisation.

website as an online asset

Use photos and images as online assets

I mentioned earlier that photos play an important role when it comes to marketing your business. Not only can you share them in 1000’s of places online but as an online asset they will help your business:

Improve Brand Identity: High-quality, consistent images can help to build a strong brand identity. You may establish a unified and recognisable image for your business by choosing photographs that reflect your brand's beliefs, personality, and aesthetics. This, in turn, aids customers in remembering and distinguishing your brand from competitors.

Increase Online Visibility: Visual material, particularly on social media platforms, garners more attention and engagement than text-only posts. You may boost the likelihood of your material being shared, liked, and remarked on by using eye-catching photographs, so expanding your online reach and visibility.

Showcasing your items or Services: High-quality photographs are crucial for businesses that offer items or services. Product photos that are appealing to potential customers might lure them and give them a better grasp of what you have to offer. Photos, whether at an e-commerce store or a service-based firm, can have a big impact on purchasing decisions.

Photographs have the ability to communicate a story in a single picture. Storytelling using photographs can elicit an emotional response from the audience and develop a sense of authenticity.

Improving Website Experience: A well-designed website is essential for any small business in today's digital marketplace. Incorporating relevant and appealing photographs can improve the visual appeal and engagement of your website for visitors. As a result, visitors will spend more time on the site and have a better chance of becoming clients.

Off-page Seo: When you upload or share your image file it is called image submission or sharing. Doing this activity can result in your small business getting high quality backlinks and referral traffic

There are lots of websites where you can share your images and raise the profile of your business. Try sharing your images on sites like Facebook, Flickr and Pinterest to get improved seo results.

For a comprehensive list of more image submission sites check out this article by webhospitality 

man setting up a video camera for a shooting

Videos make great digital assets

Videos can play a crucial part when it comes to growing your audience and followers. Not only can you share them in 1000’s of places online but as an online asset they will help your business. Here are some reasons why:

SEO Advantages: Video content is valued by search engines such as Google, and websites with embedded videos are more likely to rank higher in search results. Small businesses can boost their search engine exposure and organic traffic by optimising video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords.

Effective Social Media Marketing: Video content is prioritised by social media platforms, and videos have higher interaction rates than other types of posts. Making shareable and engaging videos can help you reach a bigger audience and earn more followers on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Personalised Communication: Videos enable small business owners to interact with their target audience on a more personal level. You may communicate with your customers directly through live videos, vlogs, or video messaging, humanising your business and cultivating a dedicated community.

Content Creation Versatility: Videos come in a variety of formats, from short clips to lengthier tales, and may be customised for numerous marketing needs. films may meet a variety of marketing goals, whether they be explainer films, product demos, webinars, or promotional advertising.

Shareable and viral potential: Engaging and engaging videos have the potential to become viral, giving your company tremendous exposure. A viral video might result in an unexpected increase in website traffic, social media followers, and company mentions.

There are lots of websites where you can share your videos and raise the profile of your business. Try sharing your videos on sites like YouTube, AOL.com, Vimeo and Daily Motion to get improved seo results.

For a comprehensive list of more video submission sites check out this article by bloggersideas

mobile phone screen showing a mobile app

Mobile apps can p[ay a part in your marketing strategy

There are soo many reasons companies invest in mobile apps one of the main ones is that it gets their company on peoples mobiles. And we all know that people won't be separated from their mobiles. Here are some other reasons why it makes sense to make mobile apps part of your online asset strategy:

Improved Customer Engagement: Mobile apps enable customers to communicate with them in a more direct and personalised manner. Businesses may keep customers updated about new products, discounts, and pertinent changes by using push notifications and in-app messaging. This consistent connection increases customer engagement and encourages return visits.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty: Businesses may nurture client loyalty by providing a convenient and seamless mobile app experience. A well-designed and user-friendly app can enhance client retention by making users more likely to choose your company over competitors.

Customer Experience Simplified: Mobile apps may simplify the customer journey by making it easier for consumers to browse products, place orders, and make payments. A mobile app's convenience can considerably improve the whole customer experience, resulting in higher levels of satisfaction.

Increased Accessibility: Having a mobile app guarantees that your company is accessible to clients at all times and from any location. Customers may access your app and interact with your business whether they are at home, on the go, or even offline.

how to make a pancake infographic

Use Infographics to make your message easier to understand 

Infographics are a great way to turn a complicated message into something that is easier to understand by your audience. It is a great way to generate backlinks and get your business seen by others, but there are other reasons to:

Communication Simplified: Infographics condense enormous volumes of information into a visually appealing and succinct style. They make it easier for organisations to explain complex concepts, figures, or procedures, allowing clients to rapidly comprehend important details.

Increased Engagement: Infographics' aesthetic appeal makes them more shareable and engaging. Infographics are more likely to attract the attention of the audience when published on social media, blogs, or websites, resulting in more likes, shares, and comments.

Brand Recognition: Infographics can be developed to complement a company's branding by adding its logo, colour scheme, and visual features. These branded infographics boost brand awareness and recognition when shared across several platforms.

Content Marketing Enhancement: Infographics supplement content marketing techniques. Infographics, when used in conjunction with blog posts, articles, or reports, can break down complex material and highlight essential points, making the content more accessible and memorable.

Increased Website Traffic: Because infographics are easily shared, businesses may include them on their websites or blogs to attract more visitors. Users are more inclined to explore the website further and discover other products or services offered by the company if they find value in the content.

There are lots of websites where you can share your infographics and raise the profile of your business. Try sharing your infographics on sites like Pinterest, Visual.ly, Slideshare and Behance to get improved seo results.

For a comprehensive list of more infographic submission sites check out this article by piktochart.

social media to promote online assets

Leveraging the power of social media for small business success

Social media platforms have transformed the way businesses interact with their customers. These platforms, with billions of active users, provide a unique chance for small businesses to promote their online assets to their target market and generate brand awareness. Here are some pointers on using social media to your advantage:

Select the appropriate platforms: Not all social media sites are made equal, and it's critical to select those that correspond with your target demographic and company goals. For example, if you're trying to reach a younger audience, networks like Instagram and TikTok may be more beneficial than LinkedIn.

Create interesting content: The goal of social media is to capture attention and generate conversations. To stand out from the crowd, create high-quality, engaging content that speaks to your target audience. Images, movies, infographics, and written pieces are all great digital assets to do this.

Interact with your audience: Because social media is a two-way street, you must actively engage with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and join pertinent discussions. This demonstrates your appreciation for your audience and can aid in the development of trust and loyalty.

Run targeted ad campaigns: The majority of social media sites have advertising solutions that help you reach a highly focused audience. You may enhance brand visibility, create leads, and drive sales by building interesting ad campaigns and exploiting the targeting options provided.

Utilizing email marketing as a valuable online asset

Email marketing is still one of the most successful ways to reach out to and engage your target audience. It enables you to communicate directly with your consumers and prospects, cultivating relationships and encouraging repeat business. Here are some crucial tactics for efficiently utilising email marketing:

Create an email list: Begin by creating an email list of potential subscribers. In exchange for their email address, provide incentives such as exclusive material, discounts, or free resources. Email addresses can be collected through your website, social media profiles, or offline events.

Segment your audience: Not all subscribers are interested in the same things or have the same wants. You can customise your messages to specific groups of subscribers by segmenting your email list based on demographics, preferences, or previous interactions. Your email marketing will be more relevant and effective as a result.

Personalise your emails: Personalization is essential for attracting your subscribers' attention. Send personalised recommendations based on their previous purchases or browsing behaviour, and design targeted email campaigns that address their unique pain areas.

Provide value: If your emails provide value, your subscribers are more likely to open and engage with them. Provide pertinent suggestions, exclusive content, special promotions, or industry insights.

You can stay connected with your audience, establish relationships, and generate sales for your small business by utilising the power of email marketing.

ebook as a digital asset

Use Ebooks to grow your audience 

Ebooks are an important component of content marketing tactics. They give in-depth information that addresses specific target audience pain points or interests. Sharing ebooks on blogs, social media, and other platforms can help you reach a larger audience. There are many other reasons why you should consider using an Ebook as one of your online assets such as

Showcasing experience: By creating well-researched and informative ebooks, small businesses may exhibit their industry experience. Businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders and gain trust among their target audience by providing relevant insights and expertise.

Lead Generation: Ebooks can be used as lead magnets to collect potential buyers' contact information. Businesses can expand their email subscriber list and nurture leads for future conversions by delivering a free ebook in exchange for consumers' email addresses or other details.

Building Trust and Authority: High-quality ebooks can aid in the development of customer trust. Customers are more likely to trust a company and consider it as an authoritative source when it provides relevant and well-researched information.

Lead Nurturing: Ebooks can be used to educate potential consumers and help them through the buyer's journey in lead nurturing initiatives. Businesses may create a relationship with leads and drive them closer to making a purchase decision by offering relevant information.

Increased Website Traffic: Placing ebook promotions on the company's website or landing pages can increase traffic and potential buyers. This increased traffic might result in improved brand exposure and more opportunity for engagement.

Shareability and viral potential: Readers are more inclined to share engaging and insightful ebooks across many platforms. If an ebook gets viral, it can considerably broaden the company's reach and attract new clients.

podcast presenter smiling with eyes shut

Podcasting: Your Valuable Online Asset

If you really want to reach a wider audience, then you need to consider the methods that you are using to communicate your message. Some people prefer to listen and that is where having a podcast can benefit you.

A podcast allow you to potentially tap into the audience who don't want to read, don't want to watch but just want to listen. There are other reasons why you should consider a podcast as an online asset such as:

Increasing Authenticity and Trust: Podcasts enable small business owners to engage with their audience in a more personal and authentic way. Entrepreneurs may create a true relationship with listeners by offering insights, experiences, and tales through audio content. Unlike written information, podcasts allow the audience to hear the speaker's passion and enthusiasm in his or her voice, building trust and confidence.

Expanding Reach and Visibility: Podcasts allow small businesses to reach new audiences outside their present client base. Podcast directories and platforms let potential customers find and interact with your content. Podcasts can also be shared on social media, websites, and other platforms, increasing brand visibility and attracting a wider population.

Showcasing skills and Thought Leadership: Podcasts allow small business owners to demonstrate their skills and promote themselves as industry thought leaders. Entrepreneurs can present themselves as authoritative people by discussing pertinent issues, trends, and challenges, which will help them create trust with their audience.

Driving Traffic and Conversions: One frequently underestimated advantage of podcasts is their ability to attract traffic to a small business's website or online store. Incorporating calls-to-action into podcast episodes can inspire listeners to visit the website, sign up for newsletters, or investigate products and services, resulting in improved conversions and sales.

Improved Customer Engagement: Interactivity is important in customer engagement, and podcasts provide a great chance for audience participation. Businesses may actively engage their listeners and build a community around their brand by using features such as Q&A sessions, guest interviews, and feedback segments.

So in conclusion

We’ve looked at the importance of online assets for your business, including their ability to grow your followers, increase your reach, drive more traffic to your website and generate sales.

However creating and maintain your digital assets can be challenging for most small business owners. That’s where my Academy programs and 1-2-1 comes in  it’s the perfect way for you to learn how to create, promote and maintain your online assets and get a better return from your, time, energy and money.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your small business to the next level you can find out more here Online Academy

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